For IT decision-makers

Analyse the security level WITH THE TEAL AUDIT PROOF

Für IT-Experten

Analyse the security level WITH THE TEAL AUDIT PROOF

Your start with our

TEAL Audit Proof (TAP)

With our product Teal Audit Proof (TAP), we provide you with an easy introduction to securing your infrastructure, known as ‘system hardening’.


Whether you are a small, medium-sized or large companyhardening is important for every company as it forms the basis for defence against


The aim is to configure your applications, clients, servers and cloud systems securely.

We rely on checks against common industry standards such as those of the Federal Office for Security and Information Technology (BSI), the Centre of Internet Security (CIS) or manufacturers such as Microsoft and thus provide you with a documented overview of the conformity/non-conformity of explicit settings, which supports you in the implementation and adherence to compliance processes.


Our different product variants offer optimum customisation options to suit your needs, from a free entry-level service to a fully managed service. Talk to us - we will be happy to advise you!


TEAL Audit Proof (TAP)


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TEAL Audit Proof (TAP)


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Our offerings

& recommendations

Our offerings

& recommendations

The TAP &
Your advantages at a glance

Easily implemented framework & fast results

Reports that can be used for compliance processes

Customised action plan for effective system hardening

Free entry options

Your contact person at TEAL

Andreas Möller – IT-Consultant

Send request now

Send request now

The TAP &
Your advantages at a glance

Easily implemented framework & fast results

Reports that can be used for compliance processes

Customised action plan for effective system hardening

Free entry options

Your contact person at TEAL

Andreas Möller – IT-Consultant

Numerous satisfied customers already trust
on the technology of TEAL



The international insurance group with 40,000 employees and its own IT service provider wanted to improve collaboration between the individual Group companies by making greater use of secure global IT services.


Internationaler Nutzfahrzeughersteller

A leading international commercial vehicle manufacturer with over 30,000 employees was faced with the challenge of implementing a comprehensive strategy programme to realign its IT infrastructure and increase IT security.
